from .constants import GRAPH_BUILDER_DEFAULT_PARAMS
from .mappings import GRAPH_BUILDERS
[docs]def build_graph(so, spl: str, builder_type='knn', mask_key='cellmasks', key_added=None, config=None, inplace=True,
coordinate_keys=('x', 'y')):
"""Build graph representation for a sample. A graph is constructed based on the provided segmentation masks
for the sample. For the `knn` and `radius` graph representation the centroid of each mask is used. For the `contact`
graph representation the segmentation masks are dilation_ is performed. The segmentation masks that overlap after
dilation are considered to be in physical contact and connected in the `contact` graph.
so: SpatialOmics object
spl: sample name in so.spl.index
builder_type: graph type to construct {knn, radius, contact}
mask_key: key in so.masks[spl] to use as segmentation masks from which the observation coordinates are extracted, if
`None` `coordinate_keys` from `obs` attribute are used
key_added: key added in so.G[spl][key_add] to store the graph.
config: dict containing a dict 'builder_params' that specifies the graph construction parameters
inplace: whether to return a new SpatialOmics instance
coordinate_keys: column names of the x and y coordinates of a observation
None or SpatialOmics if inplace = False
.. _dilation:
if builder_type not in GRAPH_BUILDERS:
raise ValueError(f'invalid type {builder_type}. Available types are {GRAPH_BUILDERS.keys()}')
if config is None:
config = GRAPH_BUILDER_DEFAULT_PARAMS[builder_type].copy()
if key_added is None:
key_added = builder_type
if mask_key is None:
if builder_type == 'contact':
raise ValueError(
'Contact-graph requires segmentations masks. To compute a contact graph please specify `the mask_key` to use in so.masks[spl]')
ndat = so.obs[spl][[coordinate_keys[0], coordinate_keys[1]]]
builder = GRAPH_BUILDERS[builder_type](config)
g = builder(ndata=ndat)
mask = so.get_mask(spl, mask_key)
g = GRAPH_BUILDERS[builder_type].from_mask(config, mask)
if 'include_self' in config['builder_params'] and config['builder_params'][
'include_self'] and builder_type == 'contact':
edge_list = [(i, i) for i in g.nodes]
so = so if inplace else so.copy()
if spl in so.G:
so.G[spl].update({key_added: g})
so.G[spl] = {key_added: g}