# %%
import networkx as nx
import pandas as pd
from pandas.api.types import CategoricalDtype
import numpy as np
from networkx import Graph
import os
import time
from astropy.stats import RipleysKEstimator
import logging
from ..utils.general import make_iterable
from .utils import get_node_interactions, get_interaction_score, permute_labels
from collections import Counter
# %%
def _infiltration_local_deprecated(G: Graph,
interaction1=('tumor', 'immune'),
interaction2=('immune', 'immune')):
ids = np.unique(interaction1, interaction2)
nodes_inter1 = [node for node in G.nodes if G.nodes[node]['attr'] in ids]
nodes_inter1 = [node for node in G.nodes if G.nodes[node]['attr'] in interaction1]
nodes_inter2 = [node for node in G.nodes if G.nodes[node]['attr'] in interaction2]
for node in ids:
neigh = G[node]
counts = Counter([G.nodes[i]['attr'] for i in neigh])
def _infiltration_local(G: Graph,
interaction1=('tumor', 'immune'),
interaction2=('immune', 'immune')):
ids = np.unique(interaction1, interaction2)
nodes = [node for node in G.nodes if G.nodes[node]['attr'] in ids]
for node in nodes:
neigh = G[node]
subG = G.subgraph()
def _infiltration(node_interactions: pd.DataFrame, interaction1=('tumor', 'immune'),
interaction2=('immune', 'immune')) -> float:
Compute infiltration score between two species.
node_interactions: Dataframe with columns `source_label` and `target_label` that specifies interactions.
interaction1: labels of enumerator interaction
interaction2: labels of denominator interaction
The infiltration score is computed as #interactions1 / #interactions2.
Interaction score
nint = node_interactions # verbose
(a1, a2), (b1, b2) = interaction1, interaction2
num = nint[(nint.source_label == a1) & (nint.target_label == a2)].shape[0]
denom = nint[(nint.source_label == b1) & (nint.target_label == b2)].shape[0]
return num / denom if denom > 0 else np.nan # TODO: np.inf or np.nan
[docs]class Interactions:
Estimator to quantify interaction strength between different species in the sample.
VALID_MODES = ['classic', 'histoCAT', 'proportion']
VALID_PREDICTION_TYPES = ['pvalue', 'observation', 'diff']
[docs] def __init__(self, so, spl: str, attr: str = 'meta_id', mode: str = 'classic', n_permutations: int = 500,
random_seed=None, alpha: float = .01, graph_key: str = 'knn'):
"""Estimator to quantify interaction strength between different species in the sample.
so: SpatialOmics
spl: Sample for which to compute the interaction strength
attr: Categorical feature in SpatialOmics.obs to use for the grouping
mode: One of {classic, histoCAT, proportion}, see notes
n_permutations: Number of permutations to compute p-values and the interactions strength score (mode diff)
random_seed: Random seed for permutations
alpha: Threshold for significance
graph_key: Specifies the graph representation to use in so.G[spl] if `local=True`.
classic and histoCAT are python implementations of the corresponding methods pubished by the Bodenmiller lab at UZH.
The proportion method is similar to the classic method but normalises the score by the number of edges and is thus bound [0,1].
self.so = so
self.spl: str = spl
self.graph_key = graph_key
self.g: Graph = so.G[spl][graph_key]
self.attr: str = attr
self.data: pd.Series = so.obs[spl][attr]
self.mode: str = mode
self.n_perm: int = int(n_permutations)
self.random_seed = random_seed if random_seed else so.random_seed
self.rng = np.random.default_rng(random_seed)
self.alpha: float = alpha
self.fitted: bool = False
# set dtype categories of data to attributes that are in the data
self.data = self.data.astype(CategoricalDtype(categories=self.data.unique(), ordered=False))
# path where h0 models would be
self.path = os.path.expanduser(f'~/.cache/spatialHeterogeneity/h0-models/')
self.h0_file = f'{spl}_{attr}_{graph_key}_{mode}.pkl'
self.h0 = None
[docs] def fit(self, prediction_type: str = 'observation', try_load: bool = True) -> None:
"""Compute the interactions scores for the sample.
prediction_type: One of {observation, pvalue, diff}, see Notes
try_load: load pre-computed permutation results if available
`observation`: computes the observed interaction strength in the sample
`pvalue`: computes the P-value of a two-sided t-test for the interactions strength based on the random permutations
`diff`: computes the difference between observed and average interaction strength (across permutations)
if prediction_type not in self.VALID_PREDICTION_TYPES:
raise ValueError(
f'invalid `prediction_type` {prediction_type}. Available modes are {self.VALID_PREDICTION_TYPES}')
self.prediction_type = prediction_type
# extract observed interactions
if self.mode == 'classic':
relative_freq, observed = False, False
elif self.mode == 'histoCAT':
relative_freq, observed = False, True
elif self.mode == 'proportion':
relative_freq, observed = True, False
raise ValueError(f'invalid mode {self.mode}. Available modes are {self.VALID_MODES}')
node_interactions = get_node_interactions(self.g, self.data)
obs_interaction = get_interaction_score(node_interactions, relative_freq=relative_freq, observed=observed)
self.obs_interaction = obs_interaction.set_index(['source_label', 'target_label'])
if not prediction_type == 'observation':
if try_load:
if os.path.isdir(self.path) and self.h0_file in os.listdir(self.path):
f'loading h0 for {self.spl}, graph type {self.graph_key} and mode {self.mode}')
self.h0 = pd.read_pickle(os.path.join(self.path, self.h0_file))
# if try_load was not successful
if self.h0 is None:
f'generate h0 for {self.spl}, graph type {self.graph_key} and mode {self.mode} and attribute {self.attr}')
self.generate_h0(relative_freq=relative_freq, observed=observed, save=True)
self.fitted = True
[docs] def predict(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Predict interactions strengths of observations.
Returns: A dataframe with the interaction results.
if self.prediction_type == 'observation':
return self.obs_interaction
elif self.prediction_type == 'pvalue':
# TODO: Check p-value computation
data_perm = pd.concat((self.obs_interaction, self.h0), axis=1)
data_perm.fillna(0, inplace=True)
data_pval = pd.DataFrame(index=data_perm.index)
# see h0_models_analysis.py for alterantive p-value computation
data_pval['score'] = self.obs_interaction.score
data_pval['perm_mean'] = data_perm.apply(lambda x: np.mean(x[1:]), axis=1, raw=True)
data_pval['perm_std'] = data_perm.apply(lambda x: np.std(x[1:]), axis=1, raw=True)
data_pval['perm_median'] = data_perm.apply(lambda x: np.median(x[1:]), axis=1, raw=True)
data_pval['p_gt'] = data_perm.apply(lambda x: np.sum(x[1:] >= x[0]) / self.n_perm, axis=1, raw=True)
data_pval['p_lt'] = data_perm.apply(lambda x: np.sum(x[1:] <= x[0]) / self.n_perm, axis=1, raw=True)
data_pval['perm_n'] = data_perm.apply(lambda x: self.n_perm, axis=1, raw=True)
data_pval['p'] = data_pval.apply(lambda x: x.p_gt if x.p_gt <= x.p_lt else x.p_lt, axis=1)
data_pval['sig'] = data_pval.apply(lambda x: x.p < self.alpha, axis=1)
data_pval['attraction'] = data_pval.apply(lambda x: x.p_gt <= x.p_lt, axis=1)
data_pval['sigval'] = data_pval.apply(lambda x: np.sign((x.attraction - .5) * x.sig), axis=1)
return data_pval
elif self.prediction_type == 'diff':
data_perm = pd.concat((self.obs_interaction, self.h0), axis=1)
data_perm.fillna(0, inplace=True)
data_pval = pd.DataFrame(index=data_perm.index)
# see h0_models_analysis.py for alterantive p-value computation
data_pval['score'] = self.obs_interaction.score
data_pval['perm_mean'] = data_perm.apply(lambda x: np.mean(x[1:]), axis=1, raw=True)
data_pval['perm_std'] = data_perm.apply(lambda x: np.std(x[1:]), axis=1, raw=True)
data_pval['perm_median'] = data_perm.apply(lambda x: np.median(x[1:]), axis=1, raw=True)
data_pval['diff'] = (data_pval['score'] - data_pval['perm_mean'])
return data_pval
raise ValueError(
f'invalid `prediction_type` {self.prediction_type}. Available modes are {self.VALID_PREDICTION_TYPES}')
[docs] def generate_h0(self, relative_freq, observed, save=True):
connectivity = get_node_interactions(self.g).reset_index(drop=True)
res_perm, durations = [], []
for i in range(self.n_perm):
tic = time.time()
data = permute_labels(self.data, self.rng)
source_label = data.loc[connectivity.source].values.ravel()
target_label = data.loc[connectivity.target].values.ravel()
# create pd.Series and node_interaction pd.DataFrame
source_label = pd.Series(source_label, name='source_label', dtype=self.data.dtype)
target_label = pd.Series(target_label, name='target_label', dtype=self.data.dtype)
df = pd.concat((connectivity, source_label, target_label), axis=1)
# get interaction count
perm = get_interaction_score(df, relative_freq=relative_freq, observed=observed)
perm['permutation_id'] = i
# save result
# stats
toc = time.time()
durations.append(toc - tic)
if (i + 1) % 10 == 0:
print(f'{time.asctime()}: {i + 1}/{self.n_perm}, duration: {np.mean(durations):.2f}) sec')
f'{time.asctime()}: Finished, duration: {np.sum(durations) / 60:.2f} min ({np.mean(durations):.2f}sec/it)')
h0 = pd.concat(res_perm)
self.h0 = pd.pivot(h0, index=['source_label', 'target_label'], columns='permutation_id', values='score')
# create folders
if not os.path.isdir(self.path):
self.h0.to_pickle(os.path.join(self.path, self.h0_file))
[docs]class RipleysK():
[docs] def __init__(self, so, spl: str, id, attr: str):
"""Compute Ripley's K for a given sample and group.
so: SpatialOmics
spl: Sample for which to compute the interaction strength
id: The category in the categorical feature `attr`, for which Ripley's K should be computed
attr: Categorical feature in SpatialOmics.obs to use for the grouping
graph_key: Specifies the graph representation to use in so.G[spl] if `local=True`.
self.id = id
self.area = so.spl.loc[spl].area
self.width = so.spl.loc[spl].width
self.height = so.spl.loc[spl].height
self.rkE = RipleysKEstimator(area=float(self.area),
# we need to cast since the implementation checks for type int/float and does not recognise np.int64
x_max=float(self.width), x_min=0,
y_max=float(self.height), y_min=0)
df = so.obs[spl][['x', 'y', attr]]
self.df = df[df[attr] == id]
[docs] def predict(self, radii: list, correction: str='ripley', mode: str='K'):
"""Estimate Ripley's K
radii: List of radiis for which Ripley's K is computed
correction: Correction method to use to correct for boarder effects, see [1].
mode: {K, csr-deviation}. If `K`, Ripley's K is estimated, with `csr-deviation` the deviation from a poission process is computed.
Ripley's K estimates
.. [1] https://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/stats/ripley.html
if radii is None:
radii = np.linspace(0, min(self.height, self.width) / 2, 10)
radii = make_iterable(radii)
# if we have no observations of the given id, K is zero
if len(self.df) > 0:
K = self.rkE(data=self.df[['x', 'y']], radii=radii, mode=correction)
K = np.zeros_like(radii)
if mode == 'K':
res = K
elif mode == 'csr-deviation':
L = np.sqrt(K / np.pi) # transform, to stabilise variance
res = L - radii
res = pd.Series(res, index=radii)
return res
[docs] def csr_deviation(self, radii, correction='ripley') -> np.ndarray:
Compute deviation from random poisson process.
radii: List of radiis for which Ripley's K is computed
correction: Correction method to use to correct for boarder effects, see [1].
# http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/9781118445112.stat07751
radii = make_iterable(radii)
K = self.rkE(data=self.df[['x', 'y']], radii=radii, mode=correction)
L = np.sqrt(K / np.pi) # transform, to stabilise variance
dev = L - radii
return dev