# %%
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# %%
[docs]def get_edge_interactions(g: nx.Graph, data: pd.Series):
# IMPORTANT: Be aware of the symmetry issues when only looking at edges. This is, two cells A,B that share an edge
# are only represented once, either as A B or B A
# probably the fasted way to solve this is would be by multidimensional indexing into a numpy array.
# data[edges.T]
# however the api is based on cell_ids that are not sequential, thus we have to index into pd.Series which is fast
# or we convert the non-sequential cell_ids into sequential ones
# NOTE: The data pd.Series is categorical with globally all categories
edges = np.array(g.edges)
edge_interactions = pd.DataFrame({'source': edges[:, 0], 'source_label': data.loc[edges[:, 0]].values,
'target': edges[:, 1], 'target_label': data.loc[edges[:, 1]].values})
return edge_interactions
[docs]def get_node_interactions(g: nx.Graph, data: pd.Series = None):
# NOTE: The data pd.Series is categorical with globally all categories
source, neighs = [], []
for i in g.nodes:
if len(g[i]) > 0: # some nodes might have no neighbors
node_interactions = pd.DataFrame({'source': source, 'target': neighs}).explode('target')
if data is not None:
node_interactions['source_label'] = data.loc[node_interactions.source].values
node_interactions['target_label'] = data.loc[node_interactions.target].values
return node_interactions
[docs]def get_interaction_score(interactions, relative_freq=False, observed=False):
# NOTE: this is not necessarily len(source_labels) == len(g) since only source nodes with neighbors are included
source_label = interactions[['source', 'source_label']].drop_duplicates().set_index('source')
source_label = source_label.squeeze()
source2target_label = interactions.groupby(['source', 'target_label'], observed=observed,
as_index=False).size().rename({'size': 'counts'}, axis=1)
source2target_label.loc[:, 'source_label'] = source_label[source2target_label.source].values
if relative_freq:
tots = source2target_label.groupby('source')['counts'].agg('sum')
source2target_label['n_neigh'] = tots.loc[source2target_label.source].values
source2target_label['relative_freq'] = source2target_label['counts'] / source2target_label['n_neigh']
label2label = source2target_label\
.groupby(['source_label', 'target_label'], observed=observed)['relative_freq'] \
.agg('mean') \
.rename('score') \
.fillna(0) \
label2label = source2target_label \
.groupby(['source_label', 'target_label'], observed=observed)['counts'] \
.agg('mean') \
.rename('score') \
.fillna(0) \
return label2label
# why is this so slow???
[docs]def permute_labels_deprecate(data, rng: np.random.Generator):
attr_copy = data.copy()
attr_copy[:] = rng.permutation(attr_copy)
return attr_copy
[docs]def permute_labels(data, rng: np.random.Generator):
return pd.Series(rng.permutation(data), index=data.index)