# %% imports
import logging
import warnings
from ..utils.general import is_numeric, is_categorical, make_iterable
from matplotlib import cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize, NoNorm, to_rgba, to_rgb, Colormap, ListedColormap
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
# import matplotlib.ticker as mticker # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63723514/userwarning-fixedformatter-should-only-be-used-together-with-fixedlocator
import numpy as np
import os
import napari
# %% figure constants
from .utils import dpi, label_fontdict, title_fontdict, make_cbar, savefig
# %%
[docs]def spatial(so, spl: str, attr: str, *, mode: str = 'scatter', node_size: float = 4, coordinate_keys: list = ['x', 'y'],
mask_key: str = 'cellmasks', graph_key: str = 'knn', edges: bool = False, edge_width: float = .5,
edge_color: str = 'black', edge_zorder: int = 2, background_color: str = 'white', ax: plt.Axes = None,
norm=None, set_title: bool = True, cmap=None, cmap_labels: list = None, cbar: bool = True,
cbar_title: bool = True, show: bool = True, save: str = None, tight_layout: bool = True):
"""Various functionalities to visualise samples.
Allows to visualise the samples and color observations according to features in either so.X or so.obs by setting the ``attr`` parameter accordingly.
Furthermore, observations (cells) within a sample can be quickly visualised using scatter plots (requires extraction of centroids with :func:`~.extract_centroids`)
or by their actual segmentatio mask by setting ``mode`` accordingly.
Finally, the graph representation of the sample can be overlayed by setting ``edges=True`` and specifing the ``graph_key`` as in ``so.G[spl][graph_key]``.
For more examples on how to use this function have a look at the tutorial_ section.
so: SpatialOmics instance
spl: sample to visualise
attr: feature to visualise
mode: {scatter, mask}. In `scatter` mode, observations are represented by their centroid, in `mask` mode by their actual segmentation mask
node_size: size of the node when plotting the graph representation
coordinate_keys: column names in SpatialOmics.obs[spl] that indicates the x and y coordinates
mask_key: key for the segmentation masks when in `mask` mode
graph_key: which graph representation to use
edges: whether to plot the graph or not
edge_width: width of edges
edge_color: color of edges as string
edge_zorder: z-order of edges
background_color: background color of plot
ax: axes object in which to plot
norm: normalisation instance to normalise the values of `attr`
set_title: title of plot
cmap: colormap to use
cmap_labels: colormap labels to use
cbar: whether to plot a colorbar or not
cbar_title: whether to plot the `attr` name as title of the colorbar
show: whether to show the plot or not
save: path to the file in which the plot is saved
tight_layout: whether to apply tight_layout or not.
.. code-block:: python
so = sh.dataset.imc()
sh.pl.spatial(so, 'slide_7_Cy2x2', 'meta_id', mode='mask')
sh.pl.spatial(so, 'slide_7_Cy2x2', 'meta_id', mode='scatter', edges=True)
.. _tutorial: https://ai4scr.github.io/ATHENA/source/tutorial.html
# get attribute information
data = None # pd.Series/array holding the attr for colormapping
colors = None # array holding the colormappig of data
# try to fetch the attr data
if attr:
if attr in so.obs[spl].columns:
data = so.obs[spl][attr]
elif attr in so.X[spl].columns:
data = so.X[spl][attr]
raise KeyError(f'{attr} is not an column of X nor obs')
colors = 'black'
cmap = 'black'
cbar = False
# broadcast if necessary
_is_categorical_flag = is_categorical(data)
loc = so.obs[spl][coordinate_keys].copy()
# set colormap
if cmap is None:
cmap, cmap_labels = get_cmap(so, attr, data)
elif isinstance(cmap, str) and colors is None:
cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap)
# normalisation
if norm is None:
if _is_categorical_flag:
norm = NoNorm()
norm = Normalize()
# generate figure
if ax:
fig = ax.get_figure()
show = False # do not automatically show plot if we provide axes
fig, ax = plt.subplots(dpi=dpi)
# compute edge lines
if edges:
g = so.G[spl][graph_key]
e = np.array(g.edges, dtype=type(loc.index.dtype))
tmp1 = loc.loc[e.T[0]]
tmp2 = loc.loc[e.T[1]]
x = np.stack((tmp1[coordinate_keys[0]], tmp2[coordinate_keys[0]]))
y = np.stack((tmp1[coordinate_keys[1]], tmp2[coordinate_keys[1]]))
# we have to plot sequentially nodes and edges, this takes a bit longer but is more flexible
im = ax.plot(x, y, linestyle='-', linewidth=edge_width, marker=None, color=edge_color, zorder=edge_zorder)
# plot
if mode == 'scatter':
# convert data to numeric
data = np.asarray(
data) if data is not None else None # categorical data does not work with cmap, therefore we construct an array
_broadcast_to_numeric = not is_numeric(data) # if data is now still categorical, map to numeric
if _broadcast_to_numeric and data is not None:
if attr in so.uns['cmap_labels']:
cmap_labels = so.uns['cmap_labels'][attr]
encoder = {value: key for key, value in cmap_labels.items()} # invert to get encoder
uniq = np.unique(data)
encoder = {i: j for i, j in zip(uniq, range(len(uniq)))}
cmap_labels = {value: key for key, value in encoder.items()} # invert to get cmap_labels
data = np.asarray([encoder[i] for i in data])
# map to colors
if colors is None:
no_na = data[~np.isnan(data)]
_ = norm(no_na) # initialise norm with no NA data.
colors = cmap(norm(data))
im = ax.scatter(loc[coordinate_keys[0]], loc[coordinate_keys[1]], s=node_size, c=colors, zorder=2.5)
elif mode == 'mask':
# get cell mask
mask = so.get_mask(spl, mask_key)
# generate mapping
if data is not None:
mapping = data.to_dict()
elif colors:
# case in which attr is a color
uniq = np.unique(mask)
uniq = uniq[uniq != 0]
mapping = {i: j for i, j in zip(uniq, np.ones(len(uniq), dtype=int))} # map everything to 1
cmap = ListedColormap([to_rgba('white'), colors])
raise RuntimeError('Unknown case')
mapping.update({0: 0})
mapping.update({np.nan: np.nan})
# apply mapping vectorized
otype = ['int'] if _is_categorical_flag else ['float']
func = np.vectorize(lambda x: mapping[x], otypes=otype)
im = func(mask)
# convert to masked array to handle np.nan values
im = np.ma.array(im, mask=np.isnan(im))
# plot
im = cmap(norm(im))
im[mask == 0] = to_rgba(background_color)
imobj = ax.imshow(im)
raise ValueError(f'Invalide plotting mode {mode}')
# add colorbar
if cbar:
title = attr
if cbar_title is False:
title = ''
make_cbar(ax, title, norm, cmap, cmap_labels)
# format plot
ax_pad = min(loc[coordinate_keys[0]].max() * .05, loc[coordinate_keys[1]].max() * .05, 10)
ax.set_xlim(loc[coordinate_keys[0]].min() - ax_pad, loc[coordinate_keys[0]].max() + ax_pad)
ax.set_ylim(loc[coordinate_keys[1]].min() - ax_pad, loc[coordinate_keys[1]].max() + ax_pad)
ax.set_xlabel('spatial x', label_fontdict)
ax.set_ylabel('spatial y', label_fontdict)
if set_title:
title = f'{spl}' if cbar else f'{spl}, {attr}'
ax.set_title(title, title_fontdict)
if tight_layout:
if show:
if save:
savefig(fig, save)
[docs]def napari_viewer(so, spl: str, attrs: list, censor: float = .95, add_masks='cellmasks', attrs_key='target', index_key:str='fullstack_index'):
"""Starts interactive Napari viewer to visualise raw images and explore samples.
``attrs`` are measured features in the high dimensional images in ``so.images[spl]``.
All specified ``attrs`` should be in ``so.var[spl][attrs_key]`` along with the index in the high dimensional images.
The column with the index in the high dimensional image where the measurement of an attribute is stored.
so: SpatialOmics instance
spl: sample to visualise
attrs: list of attributes/features to add as channels to the viewer
censor: percentil to use to censore pixle values in the raw images
add_masks: segmentation masks to add as channels to the viewer
attrs_key: key in ``so.var[spl]`` that defines the ``attrs`` names
index_key: key in ``so.var[spl]`` that specifies the layer index in the high dimensional image in ``so.images[spl]``.
.. code-block:: python
so = sh.dataset.imc()
spl = so.spl.index[0]
# add all measured features to the napari viewer
sh.pl.napari_viewer(so, spl, attrs=so.var[spl]['target'], add_masks=so.masks[spl].keys())
# specify the column containing the ``attrs`` names
sh.pl.napari_viewer(so, spl, attrs=so.var[spl]['target'], attrs_key='target')
# specify the column containing the ``attrs`` names and the columns that specifies the layer index
sh.pl.napari_viewer(so, spl, attrs=so.var[spl]['target'], attrs_key='target', index_key='fullstack_index')
attrs = list(make_iterable(attrs))
var = so.var[spl]
index = var[var[attrs_key].isin(attrs)][index_key]
names = var[var[attrs_key].isin(attrs)][attrs_key]
img = so.get_image(spl)[index,]
if censor:
for j in range(img.shape[0]):
v = np.quantile(img[j,], censor)
img[j, img[j] > v] = v
img[j,] = img[j,] / img[j,].max()
viewer = napari.Viewer()
viewer.add_image(img, channel_axis=0, name=names)
if add_masks:
add_masks = make_iterable(add_masks)
for m in add_masks:
mask = so.masks[spl][m]
labels_layer = viewer.add_labels(mask, name=m)
def _channel(so, spl: str, attrs: str, ax=None, colors=None, censor: float = None, show=True):
"""Plot challnels. Decreapted, will be removed.
attrs = list(make_iterable(attrs))
var = so.var[spl]
i = var[var.target.isin(attrs)][index_key]
img = so.get_image(spl)[i,]
if censor:
for j in range(img.shape[0]):
v = np.quantile(img[j,], censor)
img[j, img[j] > v] = v
img[j,] = img[j,] / img[j,].max()
res = []
for c in colors:
tmp = np.ones((*img.shape[1:], 3))
col = np.array(to_rgb(c))
res.append(tmp * col)
res = np.stack(res)
res = res * img.reshape((*img.shape, 1))
res = res.sum(axis=0) / len(res)
res = np.squeeze(res)
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig = ax.get_figure()
show = False
ax.set_ylabel('spatial y')
ax.set_xlabel('spatial x')
if show:
[docs]def interactions(so, spl, attr, mode='proportion', prediction_type='diff', graph_key='knn', linewidths=.5, cmap=None,
norm=None, ax=None, show=True, cbar=True):
"""Visualise results from :func:`~neigh.interactions` results.
so: SpatialOmics instance
spl: Spl for which to compute the metric
attr: Categorical feature in SpatialOmics.obs to use for the grouping
mode: One of {classic, histoCAT, proportion}, see notes
prediction_type: prediction_type: One of {observation, pvalue, diff}
graph_key: Specifies the graph representation to use in so.G[spl]
linewidths: Space between tiles
cmap: colormap to use
norm: normalisation to use
ax: axes object to use
show: whether to show the plot
cbar: wheter to show the colorbar
.. code-block:: python
# compute Ripley's K
so = sh.dataset.imc()
spl = so.spl.index[0]
# build graph
sh.graph.build_graph(so, spl, builder_type='knn', mask_key='cellmasks')
# compute & plot interactions
sh.neigh.interactions(so, spl, 'meta_id', mode='proportion', prediction_type='observation')
sh.pl.interactions(so, spl, 'meta_id', mode='proportion', prediction_type='observation')
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig = ax.get_figure()
show = False
if cmap is None:
cmap = 'coolwarm'
data = so.uns[spl]['interactions'][f'{attr}_{mode}_{prediction_type}_{graph_key}']
score = 'diff' if prediction_type == 'diff' else 'score'
data = data.reset_index().pivot('source_label', 'target_label', score)
data.index = data.index.astype(int)
data.columns = data.columns.astype(int)
data.sort_index(0, inplace=True)
data.sort_index(1, inplace=True)
if norm is None:
v = np.abs(data).max().max()
norm = Normalize(-v, v)
sns.heatmap(data=data, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, ax=ax, linewidths=linewidths, cbar=cbar)
ax.set_yticklabels(ax.get_yticklabels(), rotation=0)
if show:
[docs]def get_cmap(so, attr: str, data):
Return the cmap and cmap labels for a given attribute if available, else a default
so: IMCData
so object form which to fetch the data
spl: str
spl for which to get data
attr: str
attribute for which to get the cmap and cmap labels if available
cmap and cmap labels for attribute
# TODO: recycle cmap if more observations than colors
cmap, cmap_labels = None, None
if attr in so.uns['cmaps'].keys():
cmap = so.uns['cmaps'][attr]
elif is_categorical(data):
cmap = so.uns['cmaps']['category']
cmap = so.uns['cmaps']['default']
if attr in so.uns['cmap_labels'].keys():
cmap_labels = so.uns['cmap_labels'][attr]
return cmap, cmap_labels
[docs]def ripleysK(so, spl: str, attr: str, ids, *, mode='K', correction='ripley',
key=None, ax=None, legend='auto'):
"""Visualise results from :func:`~neigh.ripleysK` results.
so: SpatialOmics instance
spl: Spl for which to compute the metric
attr: Categorical feature in SpatialOmics.obs to use for the grouping
ids: The category in the categorical feature `attr`, for which Ripley's K should be plotted
mode: {K, csr-deviation}. If `K`, Ripley's K is estimated, with `csr-deviation` the deviation from a poission process is computed.
correction: Correction method to use to correct for boarder effects, see [1].
key: key to use in so.uns['ripleysK'] for the plot, if None it is constructed from spl,attr,ids,mode and correction
ax: axes to use for the plot
.. code-block:: python
# compute Ripley's K
so = sh.dataset.imc()
sh.neigh.ripleysK(so, so.spl.index[0], 'meta_id', 1, mode='csr-deviation', radii=radii)
sh.pl.ripleysK(so, so.spl.index[0], 'meta_id', [1], mode='csr-deviation')
if key is None:
if isinstance(ids, list):
keys = [f'{i}_{attr}_{mode}_{correction}' for i in ids]
keys = [f'{ids}_{attr}_{mode}_{correction}']
keys = [key]
res = []
for i in keys:
res = pd.concat(res, 1)
if key is None:
colnames = [i.split('_')[0] for i in keys]
colnames = keys
res = res.reset_index()
res.columns = ['radii'] + colnames
radii = res.radii.values
res = res.melt(id_vars='radii', var_name=attr)
res[attr] = res[attr].astype('category')
cmap, labels = get_cmap(so, attr, res[attr])
cmap_dict = {j:i for i,j in zip(cmap.colors, labels.values())}
if labels:
res[attr] = res[attr].astype(type(list(labels.keys())[0])).map(labels)
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig = ax.get_figure()
sns.lineplot(data=res, x='radii', y='value', hue=attr, palette=cmap_dict, ax=ax, legend=legend)
ax.plot(radii, np.repeat(0, len(radii)), color='black', linestyle=':')
[docs]def infiltration(so, spl: str, attr: str ='infiltration', step_size: int = 10,
interpolation: str = 'gaussian',
cmap: str ='plasma',
"""Visualises a heatmap of the featuer intensity.
Approximates the sample with a grid representation and colors each grid square according to the
value of the attribute. If multiple observations map to the same grid square a the aggregation specified
in `collision_strategy` is employed (any value accepted by pandas aggregate function, i.e. 'mean', 'max', ...)
so: SpatialOmics instance
spl: Spl for which to compute the metric
attr: feature in SpatialOmics.obs to plot
step_size: grid step size
interpolation: interpolation method to use between grid values, see [1]
cmap: colormap to use
collision_strategy: aggragation strategy to use if multiple obseravtion values map to the same grid value
ax: axes to use for the plot
show: whether to show the plot or not. Will be set to False if axes is provided.
.. code-block:: python
so = sh.dataset.imc()
spl = so.spl.index[0]
# build graph
sh.graph.build_graph(so, spl, builder_type='knn', mask_key='cellmasks')
sh.neigh.infiltration(so, spl, 'meta_id', graph_key='knn')
sh.pl.infiltration(so, spl, step_size=10)
.. [1] https://matplotlib.org/stable/gallery/images_contours_and_fields/interpolation_methods.html
dat = so.obs[spl][[attr] + ['x', 'y']]
dat = dat[~dat.infiltration.isna()]
# we add step_size to prevent out of bounds indexing should the `{x,y}_img` values be rounded up.
x, y = np.arange(0, so.images[spl].shape[2], step_size), np.arange(0, so.images[spl].shape[1], step_size)
img = np.zeros((len(y), len(x)))
dat['x_img'] = np.round(dat.x / step_size).astype(int)
dat['y_img'] = np.round(dat.y / step_size).astype(int)
if dat[['x_img', 'y_img']].duplicated().any():
f'`step_size` is to granular, {dat[["x_img", "y_img"]].duplicated().sum()} observed infiltration values mapped to same grid square')
if collision_strategy is not None:
logging.warning(f'computing {collision_strategy} for collisions')
dat = dat.groupby(['x_img', 'y_img']).infiltration.agg(collision_strategy).reset_index()
for i in range(dat.shape[0]):
img[dat.y_img.iloc[i], dat.x_img.iloc[i]] = dat.infiltration.iloc[i]
# generate figure
if ax:
fig = ax.get_figure()
show = False # do not automatically show plot if we provide axes
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.imshow(img, interpolation=interpolation, cmap=cmap)
if show: