# %%
from .base_metrics import _shannon, _richness, _simpson, _shannon_evenness, _hill_number, \
_simpson_evenness, _gini_simpson, _renyi, _abundance, _quadratic_entropy
from ...utils.general import is_categorical, make_iterable, is_numeric
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from collections import Counter
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
# %%
[docs]def richness(so, spl: str, attr: str, *, local=True, key_added=None, graph_key='knn', inplace=True) -> None:
"""Computes the richness on the observation or the sample level
so: SpatialOmics instance
spl: Spl for which to compute the metric
attr: Categorical feature in SpatialOmics.obs to use for the grouping
local: Whether to compute the metric on the observation or the sample level
key_added: Key added to either obs or spl depending on the choice of `local`
graph_key: Specifies the graph representation to use in so.G[spl] if `local=True`.
inplace: Whether to add the metric to the current SpatialOmics instance or to return a new one.
.. code-block:: python
so = sh.dataset.imc()
spl = so.spl.index[0]
sh.metrics.richness(so, spl, 'meta_id', local=False)
sh.metrics.richness(so, spl, 'meta_id', local=True)
if key_added is None:
key_added = 'richness'
key_added = f'{key_added}_{attr}'
if local:
key_added += f'_{graph_key}'
metric = _richness
kwargs_metric = {}
return _compute_metric(so=so, spl=spl, attr=attr, key_added=key_added, graph_key=graph_key, metric=metric,
local=local, inplace=inplace)
[docs]def shannon(so, spl: str, attr: str, *, local=True, key_added=None, graph_key='knn', base=2, inplace=True) -> None:
"""Computes the Shannon Index on the observation or the sample level
so: SpatialOmics instance
spl: Spl for which to compute the metric
attr: Categorical feature in SpatialOmics.obs to use for the grouping
local: Whether to compute the metric on the observation or the sample level
key_added: Key added to either obs or spl depending on the choice of `local`
graph_key: Specifies the graph representation to use in so.G[spl] if `local=True`.
inplace: Whether to add the metric to the current SpatialOmics instance or to return a new one.
.. code-block:: python
so = sh.dataset.imc()
spl = so.spl.index[0]
sh.metrics.shannon(so, spl, 'meta_id', local=False)
sh.metrics.shannon(so, spl, 'meta_id', local=True)
if key_added is None:
key_added = 'shannon'
key_added = f'{key_added}_{attr}'
if local:
key_added += f'_{graph_key}'
metric = _shannon
kwargs_metric = {'base': base}
return _compute_metric(so=so, spl=spl, attr=attr, key_added=key_added, graph_key=graph_key, metric=metric,
local=local, inplace=inplace)
[docs]def simpson(so, spl: str, attr: str, *, local=True, key_added=None, graph_key='knn', inplace=True) -> None:
"""Computes the Simpson Index on the observation or the sample level
so: SpatialOmics instance
spl: Spl for which to compute the metric
attr: Categorical feature in SpatialOmics.obs to use for the grouping
local: Whether to compute the metric on the observation or the sample level
key_added: Key added to either obs or spl depending on the choice of `local`
graph_key: Specifies the graph representation to use in so.G[spl] if `local=True`.
inplace: Whether to add the metric to the current SpatialOmics instance or to return a new one.
.. code-block:: python
so = sh.dataset.imc()
spl = so.spl.index[0]
sh.metrics.simpson(so, spl, 'meta_id', local=False)
sh.metrics.simpson(so, spl, 'meta_id', local=True)
if key_added is None:
key_added = 'simpson'
key_added = f'{key_added}_{attr}'
if local:
key_added += f'_{graph_key}'
metric = _simpson
kwargs_metric = {}
return _compute_metric(so=so, spl=spl, attr=attr, key_added=key_added, graph_key=graph_key, metric=metric,
local=local, inplace=inplace)
[docs]def hill_number(so, spl: str, attr: str, q: float, *, local=True, key_added=None, graph_key='knn', inplace=True):
"""Computes the Hill Numbers on the observation or the sample level
so: SpatialOmics instance
spl: Spl for which to compute the metric
attr: Categorical feature in SpatialOmics.obs to use for the grouping
q: The hill coefficient as defined here_.
local: Whether to compute the metric on the observation or the sample level
key_added: Key added to either obs or spl depending on the choice of `local`
graph_key: Specifies the graph representation to use in so.G[spl] if `local=True`.
inplace: Whether to add the metric to the current SpatialOmics instance or to return a new one.
.. code-block:: python
so = sh.dataset.imc()
spl = so.spl.index[0]
sh.metrics.hill_number(so, spl, 'meta_id', q=2, local=False)
sh.metrics.hill_number(so, spl, 'meta_id', q=2, local=True)
if key_added is None:
key_added = 'hill_number'
key_added = f'{key_added}_{attr}_q{q}'
if local:
key_added += f'_{graph_key}'
metric = _hill_number
kwargs_metric = {'q': q}
return _compute_metric(so=so, spl=spl, attr=attr, key_added=key_added, graph_key=graph_key, metric=metric,
local=local, inplace=inplace)
[docs]def renyi_entropy(so, spl: str, attr: str, q: float, *, local=True, key_added=None, graph_key='knn', base=2,
"""Computes the Renyi-Entropy.
so: SpatialOmics instance
spl: Spl for which to compute the metric
attr: Categorical feature in SpatialOmics.obs to use for the grouping
q: The renyi coefficient as defined here_
local: Whether to compute the metric on the observation or the sample level
key_added: Key added to either obs or spl depending on the choice of `local`
graph_key: Specifies the graph representation to use in so.G[spl] if `local=True`.
inplace: Whether to add the metric to the current SpatialOmics instance or to return a new one.
.. code-block:: python
so = sh.dataset.imc()
spl = so.spl.index[0]
sh.metrics.renyi_entropy(so, spl, 'meta_id', q=2, local=False)
sh.metrics.renyi_entropy(so, spl, 'meta_id', q=2, local=True)
.. _here: https://ai4scr.github.io/ATHENA/source/methodology.html
if key_added is None:
key_added = 'renyi'
key_added = f'{key_added}_{attr}_q{q}'
if local:
key_added += f'_{graph_key}'
metric = _renyi
kwargs_metric = {'q': q,
'base': base}
return _compute_metric(so=so, spl=spl, attr=attr, key_added=key_added, graph_key=graph_key, metric=metric,
local=local, inplace=inplace)
[docs]def quadratic_entropy(so, spl: str, attr: str, *, metric='minkowski', metric_kwargs={}, scale: bool = True,
local=True, key_added=None, graph_key='knn', inplace=True):
"""Computes the quadratic entropy, taking relative abundance and similarity between observations into account.
so: SpatialOmics instance
spl: Spl for which to compute the metric
attr: Categorical feature in SpatialOmics.obs to use for the grouping
metric: metric used to compute distance of observations in the features space so.X[spl]
metric_kwargs: key word arguments for metric
scale: whether to scale features of observations to unit variance and 0 mean
local: whether to compute the metric on the observation or the sample level
key_added: Key added to either obs or spl depending on the choice of `local`
graph_key: Specifies the graph representation to use in so.G[spl] if `local=True`.
inplace: Whether to add the metric to the current SpatialOmics instance or to return a new one.
The implementation computes an average feature vector for each group in attr based on all observations in the
sample. Thus, if staining biases across samples exists this will directly distort this metric.
.. code-block:: python
so = sh.dataset.imc()
spl = so.spl.index[0]
sh.metrics.quadratic_entropy(so, spl, 'meta_id', local=False)
sh.metrics.quadratic_entropy(so, spl, 'meta_id', local=True)
if key_added is None:
key_added = 'quadratic'
key_added = f'{key_added}_{attr}'
if local:
key_added += f'_{graph_key}'
# collect feature vectors of all observations and add attr grouping
features: pd.DataFrame = so.X[spl]
features = features.merge(so.obs[spl][attr], right_index=True, left_index=True)
assert len(features) == len(so.X[spl]), 'inner merge resulted in dropped index ids'
# compute average feature vector for each attr group and standardise
features = features.groupby(attr).mean()
if scale:
tmp = StandardScaler().fit_transform(features)
features = pd.DataFrame(tmp, index=features.index, columns=features.columns)
base_metric = _quadratic_entropy
kwargs_metric = {'features': features,
'metric': metric,
'metric_kwargs': metric_kwargs,
'scale': False} # we scaled already
return _compute_metric(so=so, spl=spl, attr=attr, key_added=key_added, graph_key=graph_key, metric=base_metric,
local=local, inplace=inplace)
[docs]def abundance(so, spl: str, attr: str, *, mode='proportion', key_added: str = None, graph_key='knn',
local=False, inplace: bool = True):
"""Computes the abundance of species on the observation or the sample level.
so: SpatialOmics instance
spl: Spl for which to compute the metric
attr: Categorical feature in SpatialOmics.obs to use for the grouping
local: Whether to compute the metric on the observation or the sample level
key_added: Key added to either uns[spl] or obs depending on the choice of `local`
graph_key: Specifies the graph representation to use in so.G[spl] if `local=True`.
inplace: Whether to add the metric to the current SpatialOmics instance or to return a new one.
.. code-block:: python
so = sh.dataset.imc()
spl = so.spl.index[0]
sh.metrics.abundance(so, spl, 'meta_id', local=False)
sh.metrics.abundance(so, spl, 'meta_id', local=True)
if key_added is None:
key_added = f'{mode}'
if local:
key_added += f'_{graph_key}'
event_space = so.obs[spl][attr]
if is_categorical(event_space):
event_space = event_space.dtypes.categories
raise TypeError(f'{attr} is not categorical')
metric = _abundance
kwargs_metric = {'event_space': event_space,
'mode': mode}
return _compute_metric(so=so, spl=spl, attr=attr, key_added=key_added, metric=metric, graph_key=graph_key,
kwargs_metric=kwargs_metric, local=local, inplace=inplace)
def _compute_metric(so, spl: str, attr, key_added, graph_key, metric, kwargs_metric, local, inplace=True):
"""Computes the given metric for each observation or the sample
# generate a copy if necessary
so = so if inplace else so.copy()
# extract relevant categorisation
data = so.obs[spl][attr]
if not is_categorical(data):
raise TypeError('`attr` needs to be categorical')
if local:
# get graph
g = so.G[spl][graph_key]
# compute metric for each observation
res = []
observation_ids = so.obs[spl].index
for observation_id in observation_ids:
n = list(g.neighbors(observation_id))
if len(n) == 0:
counts = Counter(data.loc[n].values)
res.append(metric(counts, **kwargs_metric))
if np.ndim(res[0]) > 0:
res = pd.DataFrame(res, index=observation_ids)
if spl not in so.obsm:
so.obsm[spl] = {}
so.obsm[spl][key_added] = res
res = pd.DataFrame({key_added: res}, index=observation_ids)
if key_added in so.obs[spl]: # drop previous computation of metric
so.obs[spl].drop(key_added, axis=1, inplace=True)
so.obs[spl] = pd.concat((so.obs[spl], res), axis=1)
res = metric(Counter(data), **kwargs_metric)
if np.ndim(res) > 0:
if spl not in so.uns:
so.uns[spl] = {}
so.uns[spl][key_added] = res
so.spl.loc[spl, key_added] = res
if not inplace:
return so